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Anna Judd

Surprising Surmounting C4

Surprising Surmounting C4

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Surprising Surmounting C4 manifests a cerebral dance of azure and cobalt, where seeped sapphire essences suggest an exploration of the subconscious. Mars black makes a bold appearance, not overwhelming but grounding the vibrant blues, breathing a contemplative depth into the artwork. These breaths of creamy white introduce a serene lightness, allowing the Scale to evoke a visual balance between energy and tranquility.

For the discerning eye, the robust dynamics of Surprising Surmounting C4 are enhanced when paired with adjacent Scales A4, B4, creating a continuous rhythmic dialogue. An optimal display would be a minimalist setting, where organic textures compliment the simplicity yet intensity of the artwork's palette. The hauntingly deep tones of the piece would thrive on a wall painted in a muted complementary color, anchoring the visual conversation in a thoughtful and enriching milieu.

The sensory journey continues as we witness the ebb and flow of the undulating pigment, reminiscent of the shifting shapes within our own innate nature. The neutral undercurrents in this Scale offer a profound ability to connect with collectors looking for decorative art that marries authenticity with visual artistry. A narrative unfolds across this artwork, indulging in the luxury of evolving abstract forms that evoke rich, personal introspections, making it not just an original artwork, but an artisan-crafted anchor in any art collection.
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6,508 Scales : Infinite Combinations

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Scales Can Be Small. Scales can be BIG.

From 6 to 36 in², Scales fill any space perfectly so you can shop the entire collection without worrying about fit.

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Expandable and modular, Scales provide endless creative freedom to build a custom art piece for any space.

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We scoured the globe in search of the best print media. Chromaluxe aluminum reigns supreme, amplifying the lush textures, delicate gradients, and rich colors in these iconic works.

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