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Anna Judd

Microdosing with Dali C2

Microdosing with Dali C2

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Within the confines of Microdosing with Dali C2, the spectrum of ivory black cascades into a pool of fiery vermilion and burnt sienna, forming an esoteric dance of color and texture. Anna Judd expertly maneuvers layers of oil in a symphony of vigor, each thrust of hue intensifying the visual narrative. The seamless merging of black and red invokes a sense of deep introspection, accented by glimmers of rich alizarin, suggesting hidden depths within this artistic innovation.

Imagine Microdosing with Dali C2 gracing the walls of a contemporary living space, with the presence of the Scale equally at home amid earthy design themes or as a statement piece in minimalist art collections. Its intense saturation and the gentle gradient evoke an emotional response, harmonizing with the boldness of avant-garde furniture or contrasting against neutral tones for a transformative room experience. Collectors seeking an interconnected visual dialogue should consider the collective embrace of adjacent Scales C1 and C3, allowing the narrative to flow within an expansive panorama of vibrant art.

Those drawn to fine art printing, mindful of the grandeur large abstract art affords, will find the urge to immerse in the larger iterations of Microdosing with Dali C2 indomitable. With intricate details magnified, the warm palette radiates even more vividly, inviting contemplation. This luxurious art asserts itself as not merely an oil painting for sale but as a keystone of any modern art collection or as the designer's favorite, poised to enrich patrons' lives with every view.
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6,508 Scales : Infinite Combinations

Co-create a bespoke work of art for your space.

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Scales Can Be Small. Scales can be BIG.

From 6 to 36 in², Scales fill any space perfectly so you can shop the entire collection without worrying about fit.

Uniquely Combinable to Fit Your Spaces

Expandable and modular, Scales provide endless creative freedom to build a custom art piece for any space.

Complement Any Space With Art in Any Color

With over 6,500 Scales, you're guaranteed to discover hundreds that will beautifully enhance your decor.

The Finest Print Media on Earth

We scoured the globe in search of the best print media. Chromaluxe aluminum reigns supreme, amplifying the lush textures, delicate gradients, and rich colors in these iconic works.

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