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Anna Judd

Live Here Truly A4

Live Here Truly A4

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Swathed in a cascade of marigold, Live Here Truly A4 captures the gaze with its charming intensity. The vibrant yellow engages the viewer, feeling almost tangible, akin to the lush petals of a late summer dahlia. This vivid hue is not solitary in its boldness - pulses of jade and hints of onyx add complexity to the work, inviting contemplation and discussion. The artist's manipulation of oil paints elicits a textual dance, with each color carving its space on the canvas, a celebration of visual art.

In an art setting, Live Here Truly A4 stands out as an original artwork that enhances the minimalist aesthetic of a contemporary space. Its saturation stimulates an energetic presence, making it the perfect statement piece for a home gallery, as it unifies abstract forms and colors in a narrative that transcends the simple. Additionally, the allure of a large abstract art print beckons, promising an even deeper appreciation of the piece's reticulated elements.

For the aficionado looking to establish a thematic continuity, acquiring adjacent Scales such as A1, A2, A3 within the Live Here Truly fresco can be recommended. This trio, when displayed together, creates a striking visual narrative that elevates a professional setting or adds a touch of sophistication to a private collection. The commanding color palette of this Scale evokes memories and sensations that are as diverse as the viewers themselves, resonating on a personal level while reflecting broader art trends.
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6,508 Scales : Infinite Combinations

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Scales Can Be Small. Scales can be BIG.

From 6 to 36 in², Scales fill any space perfectly so you can shop the entire collection without worrying about fit.

Uniquely Combinable to Fit Your Spaces

Expandable and modular, Scales provide endless creative freedom to build a custom art piece for any space.

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With over 6,500 Scales, you're guaranteed to discover hundreds that will beautifully enhance your decor.

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We scoured the globe in search of the best print media. Chromaluxe aluminum reigns supreme, amplifying the lush textures, delicate gradients, and rich colors in these iconic works.

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