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Anna Judd

Everything But My Heart D4

Everything But My Heart D4

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Amid the mesmerizing spectrum of Everything But My Heart D4, one is greeted by an expanse of cerulean serenity, stippled with an aurora of viridian suggestions that brush against the canvas of the viewer's imagination. This slice of artistic innovation looms with a tranquil authority, carrying the viewer into a reverie where the simplest contour holds the secrets of minimalist abstract art, the traces imbued with harmonious energy.

Imagine this original artwork as the cornerstone of a home gallery, its cool tones complementing walls of soft grey or a deep charcoal, fostering an environment that echoes with timeless luxury. The voluptuous texture and form breathe life into the notion of room transformation, with the inherent promise that alongside the adjacent Scales of D2 and D3, the visage of Everything But My Heart unfolds into an uninterrupted visual tale of contemporary abstract art.

In a subdued echo of fine art printing, this piece beckons a presence in larger formats, where the nuanced intimacy of color and form may unfurl in its full splendor upon a receptive space. It perches on the precipice of emotional memory, the stains and rivulets a silent testimony to the simple power of an oil painting's ability to stir resonant introspections within the sanctuary of the beholder's personal space.
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6,508 Scales : Infinite Combinations

Co-create a bespoke work of art for your space.

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Scales Can Be Small. Scales can be BIG.

From 6 to 36 in², Scales fill any space perfectly so you can shop the entire collection without worrying about fit.

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