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Anna Judd

Eschew Irregardless D2

Eschew Irregardless D2

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Upon first encounter, one is embraced by the tranquil azure of Eschew Irregardless D2, evocative of the serenity found in a cerulean sky shortly after the break of dawn. Tinctured with subtleties of viridian, it beckons the observer into deeper introspection, a myriad of emotions resonating within its confines. Striations of indigo rustle quietly along the edges, enriching the visual dance of color and form.

The presence of this Scale on a gallery wall or within a private collection speaks to the symbiosis of artistic innovation and simple abstract art. Collectors are invited to explore the visual symphony of the adjacent Scales A2, B2, and C2, composing a cohesive narrative that enhances the contemplative environment it inhabits. Each variation of hue and texture amplifies the other, suggesting a museological quality that elevates the space it occupies.

For those seeking a piece that transcends mere decoration and challenges the spirit, Eschew Irregardless D2 offers an immutable richness that, when scaled to larger proportions, becomes a window into the profound. The artwork finds its truest companionship in settings of harmonious color palettes and minimalist decor, a fine art print that, while silent, converses deeply with the beholder, yielding a tapestry of personal reflection and timeless appreciation.
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6,508 Scales : Infinite Combinations

Co-create a bespoke work of art for your space.

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Scales Can Be Small. Scales can be BIG.

From 6 to 36 in², Scales fill any space perfectly so you can shop the entire collection without worrying about fit.

Uniquely Combinable to Fit Your Spaces

Expandable and modular, Scales provide endless creative freedom to build a custom art piece for any space.

Complement Any Space With Art in Any Color

With over 6,500 Scales, you're guaranteed to discover hundreds that will beautifully enhance your decor.

The Finest Print Media on Earth

We scoured the globe in search of the best print media. Chromaluxe aluminum reigns supreme, amplifying the lush textures, delicate gradients, and rich colors in these iconic works.

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