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Anna Judd

Bottomless Faux Pas C4

Bottomless Faux Pas C4

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Amidst a soothing expanse of sapphire, the intricacies of Bottomless Faux Pas C4 beckon the discerning eye with its lush cadence of pigment. A composition flourishes, displaying a medley of navy, hints of azure, and an occasional glimmer of scarlet that pulls the observer into a reverie of abstract contemplation. The minute attention to detail and texture present in this fragment of artistry provokes a peculiarity akin to the allure of minimalist abstract art, inviting a closer inspection of the serene yet vibrant undulations.

In the larger schema, Bottomless Faux Pas C4 could harmonize splendidly with the rich assembly of its companions A4, B4, D4, and E4, each a testament to artistic innovation. As a singular entity, this piece embodies a dynamic presence, promising to infuse tranquility into personal galleries or office decor. It encourages viewers to ponder the liberating expanse of visual art and serves as a pivot for cultural enrichment in any sophisticated environment, complementing spaces dressed in neutral hues or adorned with elements of boho abstract art.

Connecting with the elemental appeal of rich, saturated colors, this Scale emanates depth and brilliance. Its presence suggests a calm and introspective backdrop to living spaces yearning for a touch of elegance, as the chromatic symphony would resonate well against muted wall tones, reinforcing a design that's both earthy and refined. Capturing the essence of large abstract art, Bottomless Faux Pas C4 is not just a fragment of a grander narrative but an introspective journey into the heart of abstraction itself - a conduit for art therapy and a beacon of collector's pride.
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6,508 Scales : Infinite Combinations

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Scales Can Be Small. Scales can be BIG.

From 6 to 36 in², Scales fill any space perfectly so you can shop the entire collection without worrying about fit.

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